Convention season is rapidly approaching and I'm scrambling to get some prototypes finished. I have publisher meetings scheduled and plans made.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
I Tweeted about setting up meetings with publishers earlier today and received a few questions about how I go about that... so I wrote an article.
Networking Earns Pitches
As part of FreeStarter week, I allowed my cohorts to ask me ridiculous questions and I was silly enough to answer them. You can read about it over at the Hyperbole Games blog.
FreeStarter Interview
A bunch of crazy designers and I have teamed up to offer a pretty awesome set of gifts for some lucky winners. Click here to check out that awesomeness!
FreeStarter Giveaway!
Tuesday Night Tanks started as a silly design for The Game Crafter’s map building contest but quickly evolved into something I poured a lot of myself into. I am very proud of the end product and this week, I have released the game on The Game Crafter. I’m very excited […]
Tuesday Night Tanks Launch!
I published a small update about what I've been up to lately in this weeks Weekly[ish] Update.