Yesterday I tweeted about this poem that just sort of happened out of my fingers. I was listening to a podcast, working on some code, and I turned on my camera just to capture some “coder at work” type footage. No idea why I thought this footage would be useful… […]
Monthly Archives: March 2016

The show has started. It’s called the Daily Shed and the first episode is live on YouTube. I’m excited for the future of this project and I hope you’ll join me. The show has it’s own website – – so I won’t be sharing each video here. If you […]
The Daily Shed is Here!
In the very near future, I’ll be starting up a YouTube… show… thing. Not sure what to call it, but in my head, it’s a simple one-man show where I pick a subject, and discuss it, while in my garage. Maybe I work on something, maybe I just sit in […]
More Me – More YouTube.
Not every project has to be an elaborate build… at least I don’t think so. Sometimes, just making something simple is enough to teach a few things or show some shop tips. I attempt that in this video. YouTube – Tool Holder for Pliers
Tool Holder for Pliers

Recently, I’ve found myself in need of a large baby gate. Specifically, a baby gate that would stretch the width of my garage door. Everybody needs a baby gate in their shop full of dirt, dust, and power tools, right? Extreme daddy day care? Well, somewhat like that… but not […]