Origins is gone and with it went two of my active prototypes. That means, there's a hole that needs filled. I need something to work on and I have a month until GenCon. What's next?
I published a small update about what I've been up to lately in this weeks Weekly[ish] Update.
Weekly[ish] Update – May 17, 2013
Weeks have passed... I've done very little... it's time to share.
Weekly[ish] Update – Nov 4, 2012
I took last week off, mostly because I had to move, but also because I didn't have Internet. The move is done, I'm settled in and ready to start producing again! This weeks updates, I share some thoughts on setting up a booth at a show... because I messed up.
Weekly[ish] Update – Oct 13, 2012
GenCon has come and gone yet again. I had some expectations. I had very different adventures. I had the time of my life.
GenCon 2012 – My Adventures
Another successful test of Hexploration this week. The underlying system is shaping up nicely. I don't really think this is the end for this project however.
Hexploration – Close to the Finish
I skipped a week discussing this game for a very simple reason: it sucked. Last weeks playtest session was a disaster. It has been difficult to write about, but this weeks session got me back on course. I'm actually excited to share this!
Hexploration – Rebuilding from Catastrophe
I've started a new design project. This time, something with a little more complexity, and an actual board. It is a hex-based, tile-laying, area-control, economic game. Crazy, huh?