
I like writing about my games.

A Twitter friend, @HerrohGrant, has published a sort of “making of” story about Scallywags on his design blog, Hyperbole Games. The story starts at the very beginning of my design “career,” so beware, it is a bit lengthy! The Story of Scallywags | Hyperbole Games

The Story of Scallywags

Princess Fairy Rainbow Unicorn Dice development is in full swing! I've had some great help from the community and in just a few short days we've developed a very playable little game. I'm sharing the rules in this weeks post, so check it out!

Princess Dice – Oh My

Yes, that's right, I designed a new game last night and it's about princesses, and unicorns, and fairies, and witches.... well, you should just check it out. I suppose this is another entry in my Open Game Design series, I'd be happy to have others give it a go!

Princess Dice – A Beginning