
Scallywags by Gamewright is my fist published design.

The publisher has Scallywags in stock! You can now order direct from them at their Online Store! It will be a bit before it filters through the distribution chain, but you should be able to locate it in local shops and online retailers soon!

Scallywags for SALE!

The Preview Tournament went off without a hitch! I was thrilled to see players enjoying my game! They even discussed the meta! That was totally awesome. Congratulations to Corey Young for winning the first ever Scallywags tournament and taking home a copy of the prize! Check back later this week […]

Origins Game Fair Success!

A Twitter friend, @HerrohGrant, has published a sort of “making of” story about Scallywags on his design blog, Hyperbole Games. The story starts at the very beginning of my design “career,” so beware, it is a bit lengthy! The Story of Scallywags | Hyperbole Games

The Story of Scallywags

I can proudly announce that Doubloons! has been picked up for publication in 2012. Gamewright games, publishers of award-winning games for kids of all ages, has licensed the game effective September 1st. Look for it to hit retailer’s shelves in the spring! If you haven’t heard of Doubloons! yet, hop […]

Doubloons! Is Getting Published!