How to play Madder Than a Hatter
Game Design

It's been a long time since I've put up any PnP files and asked you to play along with development... now I need your help! Please!
Madder Than a Hatter – PnP
I took a 2 week break. I didn't mean too. I need to pick up steam on this project or I won't get it done in time!
Game Design Vlog #03 – Adding Layers
A quick little discussion about how designing something small can lead to something much more.
Game Design Vlog #02 – Additive Design
Welcome back to the design! In this episode, I walk through the first full test of the game... and it sucks.
Game Design Vlog #01 – The First Test
A new video series is under way! Watch (and help!) me develop a new card game to give away at Gen Con!
Game Design Vlog #00 – Rapid Prototyping

In this article, I'm attempting to quantify my statement that Magic is a great tool for designers.
Steal it from Magic

Bad news is sometimes the best news. I love it when people tell me they don't like my games. Maybe I'm crazy, but failure is my favorite kind of lesson.
First Nations – A Lesson on Failure

I realize I haven't shared much about the actual game... so let's change that!
Explaining Me Booty!

The campaign is only a few short days away and I'm finally getting around to telling you about it...
PULL! Goes Live on the 21st!

An interview with Jeff from All Us Geeks. I like Jeff.
Interview – The Game of Crowd Funding
Sometimes, commitment means fighting in spite of something. I prefer to fight because of something.