All previous episodes of SFN are now available!
Game Design
Yet another great episode this week with special guest Jason Tagmire!
Something From Nothing ep 07
I could use some help editing the rules for Dead Woods. Thanks.
Dead Woods Rules – A Day Late and a Dollar… ...

I thought I'd write more about this years NaGaDeMon entry. Whoops.
Dead Woods – for Jayme #NaGaDeMon
Another episode is in the can this week with two awesome guests: David Short and J. Alex Kevern.
Something From Nothing ep 06

National Game Design Month? I'm in!
Dead Woods – My First #NaGaDeMon Adventure
Episode 05 is in the can with special guests Isaac Shalev and Ryan Laukat!
Something From Nothing ep 05

It's been a while since I've designed anything new and even longer since I've shared a Print and Play. Today is a good day.
Pull! – Busting Clay Pigeons With Cardboard (A new PnP!)
For some reason, I didn't post about Episode 3... so I'm doubling up on this weeks post. It totally had nothing to do with me being absent on Ep 3... seriously... it didn't...
Something From Nothing ep 03 & 04

I've mentioned my Idea Box a few times since GenCon. Quite a few people showed interest and I've never really explained what the box is. I like to rapid prototype... a requirement of that process is having the tools readily available to do so.
Practice Makes Perfect – My Idea Box

The Little Prince turned out to be the highlight of GenCon for me. I spent much of the show tracking down the games creators to ask them about how this game came to be...
Design Review: The Little Prince
Episode 2 was a blast with special guests Tory Niemann and Daniel Solis!