33 Last year, I threw a big event for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. A bunch of other blogs and sites joined in and we gave away a bunch of copies of the game. The publisher helped me out with all that and it was great fun to run. This […] Free Stuff? Pirate Day? Scallywags?2013/09/19 in Announcements
1 Episode 01 is in the can! It was a great time and I look forward to doing many more! Something From Nothing ep 012013/09/09 in Announcements / Game Design / Something From Nothing
2 I had an idea... start a Game Design Open Forum via Google Hangouts. I was overwhelmed with response and some cool dudes decided to take over. Thank you cool dudes. Something From Nothing2013/09/05 in Announcements / Game Design
When I originally released Tuesday Night Tanks, the cards were confusing to some. Based on player feedback I changed the design to be more accomodating... turns out, the redesign was terrible. So, I've re-re-designed the cards. Tuesday Night Tanks – An Update2013/09/02 in Announcements / Game Design / Graphic Design / Tuesday Night Tanks
I met with the publisher at GenCon... I was nervous... but it went well regardless. Hedeby at GenCon2013/08/30 in Announcements / Game Design / Hedeby
I've always wondered what it would be like to have a seasoned professional look at one of my designs and offer new ideas or directions that have never even crossed my mind. Let me tell you, it's awesome when that happens. Hedeby Gets Professionally Developed2013/08/29 in Game Design / Hedeby
Two more podcasts from GenCon. Apparently I like talking... and listening to myself... I like that part also. Two More Podcasts2013/08/28 in Announcements / Game Design
I was delighted to record a bunch of sessions with some really awesome people at GenCon. Three of these sessions were assembled by the guys at buildingthegamepodcast.com. They are cool peeps. Building Games With Cool People2013/08/26 in Game Design / Musings
Neil had a bunch of breakthroughs at GenCon that took the game from an enjoyable thought experiment to an actual playable game. We're getting close! Project: Dead End part 14 – Neil Says It’s Done2013/08/23 in Announcements / Dead End / Game Design / Games
3 GenCon 2013 has come and gone. Today, I write about the people and games that made it special. I have more stories to tell, but they deserve their own posts. GenCon 2013 – That Happened!?2013/08/20 in Musings
After developing a good back story for my noir game, it needed a name. I started looking at old movie titles and asking around on Twitter and various social networking channels. Many people offered awesome ideas, but Twitter friend Jesse Catron (he designed Salmon Run) came up with the winner. […] Murder Wears a Fedora – The Prototype Earns a Name2013/08/13 in Game Design / Murder Wears a Fedora