
This is my blog. I write about everything from shop stuff, games, art, nature, and life. You can get lost in here, it might be easier to pick a sub-topic from the drop-down menu.

I’m working on revamping the site a bit. I consider both Project: Dead End and Princess Dice complete enough that I’m not going to drop them from the site any time soon. I’ve given them their own pages now which you can use to find all the articles I’ve written […]

New Game Pages

I've worked quite a bit on Paper Route this week. The game is quite fun after I changed the format. I'm really excited for it! I've started working on the art, layout, and rules. I've had quite a bit of help from my Twitter followers, but I could always use more help!

Paper Route – Rules

Gamewright asked me to do a small interview for their blog. It went live today. Meet the Inventor: Chevee Dodd The guys at Perpetual Geek Machine got to play Scallywags and have some really nice things to say about it. You can listen to the podcast here: Josh Edwards […]

A Busy Day for Scallywags!