It was brought to my attention that I forgot to include the Last Fighter card in my print and play files for Dead End vCN10. You can get the files from the Dead End page or below.

I haven't been designing much lately, but last week I threw something together while camping. Rapid Prototyping is my favorite design tool and is the first piece of advice I give to new designers seeking help. You can talk about an idea for years, but until you try it, you'll never know if it works or not.
Rapid Prototyping – the Faster, the Better

Neil and I are closing in on what we consider to be a finished version of Dead End. This post should bring you up to speed on the major changes... also, a new Print and Play!
Project: Dead End part 13 – Word Choice
I interviewed with the awesome folks at Happy Mitten Games Podcast this week. It was a great time and might even be worth a listen.
Happy Mitten Podcast Interview

A friend, Chris Urinko, asked me to take a look at his gaming accessories he is currently running on Kickstarter. I told him I would and I was blown away by his products. If you are interested in custom dice, or accessories, you should check this stuff out.
Daft Dice – Lasers + Plywood = Awesome

A new designer asked me to take a look at his game and provide him with feedback. I can't stop thinking about it and decided to write a brief review of why I love it.
Design Review: The Agents
Dead End was dead to me for almost seven months. I gave up on it. Frustrated. When a new designer offered to step in and try his hand at fixing it, I was more than enthusiastic to see what he could accomplish.
Project: Dead End part 12 – Help Wanted
You've emailed publishers and set up meetings. The time has come to show them your games. I've attempted to break that process down for you to make it dead simple.
After the Email – The Pitch
In case you were unaware, received a huge update today. This update brought with it a new look and new functionality, but hopefully, it retained some familiarity to the old site.
Site Update
Origins is gone and with it went two of my active prototypes. That means, there's a hole that needs filled. I need something to work on and I have a month until GenCon. What's next?
Weekly[ish] Update – June 21, 2013
Origins is behind me and I'm looking forward to GenCon, but before I get there, you may want to read about the amazing experience I had this year.
Origins 2013 – Hugs and Pitches
Last week was a bit hectic due to a new project launch. I designed and built a website for a crew of card-playing professionals for the new game HEX: Shards of Fate from Cryptozoic Entertainment. The site launched and it's been keeping me extremely busy, but I'm enjoying it.
So, this week's update is more of a Hedeby update than anything, but I tucked some good advice on pitching in also.