I’m working on revamping the site a bit. I consider both Project: Dead End and Princess Dice complete enough that I’m not going to drop them from the site any time soon. I’ve given them their own pages now which you can use to find all the articles I’ve written […]
I've worked quite a bit on Paper Route this week. The game is quite fun after I changed the format. I'm really excited for it!
I've started working on the art, layout, and rules. I've had quite a bit of help from my Twitter followers, but I could always use more help!
Paper Route – Rules
Gamewright asked me to do a small interview for their blog. It went live today. Meet the Inventor: Chevee Dodd The guys at Perpetual Geek Machine got to play Scallywags and have some really nice things to say about it. You can listen to the podcast here: perpetualgeekmachine.net Josh Edwards […]
A Busy Day for Scallywags!
Tom Vasel and his daughters put together a nice Scallywags review. You can watch it on YouTube. Thanks Tom!
The Dice Tower Reviews Scallywags
Well, I designed the game and put together a fairly functional prototype all in the same day. I tweeted a bit a few pictures and the project picked up steam quickly.
Paper Route – First Prototype
I was planning on getting some stuff done today, then an idea was planted in my mind by @fathergeek:
How about a Paper Boy card game!?
Paper Boy – or Derailed by @fathergeek
I created a micro expansion for Scallywags to play with my three year old daughter. She can't read the cards and gets upset when the big kids play.
Scallywags Dice – A Micro Expansion for Younger Players
I have finally posted Part 9 of Project: Dead End! The game has evolved quite a bit in the past month and is much better for it! I feel like it is finally a tense game full of interesting decisions and moments of excitement. I also updated the cards to the new design template and uploaded the files for print and play!
Project: Dead End part 9 – More Exciting, Better Looking
I was stationed in Hawai'i in the latter years of the 90s and into the 00s. During that time I was playing D&D almost nightly and I wanted to design a dice game that could be played quickly at the table that would simulate in-game gambling. Apparently, I did that. I found this game on a site I used to maintain.
Leugner – a Dice Game from ’00
Do you like winning things? How about a copy of Scallywags? That sounds nice, right? This week I was interviewed by the guys at Perpetual Geek Machine. It was an awesome, awkward experience but I think it went well. I decided to give away a copy of Scallywags to one […]
Interview on Perpetual Geek Machine
Today has brought a huge site update. I decided that I no longer want to direct discussion of my posts off-site, but I hate inline comments. I’ve decided to implement a discussion forum. You can click on the “Discuss” link above and you will find links to the proper posts […]
Discussing Things
The events leading up to the pre-release tournament of Scallywags tested my patience and nerves. I waited many years to see the game in production, but the 96 hours leading up to the big event felt like a much longer time!