Welcome back to the design! In this episode, I walk through the first full test of the game... and it sucks.
A new video series is under way! Watch (and help!) me develop a new card game to give away at Gen Con!
Game Design Vlog #00 – Rapid Prototyping
Feeling alone is a difficult thing to deal with... going into my annual winter lull, I never imagined that I would be so touched by a person so far away.
Absence Makes the… Mind Wander
There's something very cathartic about plugging in some power tools and building something by hand. I've decided to mix my love of woodworking with my love of board games.
Making Giant Meeples

In this article, I'm attempting to quantify my statement that Magic is a great tool for designers.
Steal it from Magic

Bad news is sometimes the best news. I love it when people tell me they don't like my games. Maybe I'm crazy, but failure is my favorite kind of lesson.
First Nations – A Lesson on Failure
Buy your copy today!
PULL! – Now on Sale!

It's been a very long time since I've shared a new print and play game with you. Today, that changes. I need your help testing this game. I want it to be made. I want it to be great. You can help!
Operation Picnic BETA

Sometimes you just have to let go of your ideals and make a change for the good of the game.
Zombies and Ants – a Rebranding

Entries are in. Scores have been tallied. The Captain has decided.
Who be Gettin’ Me Booty!?

It be Talk Like a Pirate day and I has a mess of somethin' fer ye!
Talk Like a Pirate 2014 – Win Me Booty!
If you aren’t aware, this Friday, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. It’s one of my favorite days of the year… because of the whole pirate thing… and traditionally, I give a game or 5 away to some lucky people that do something simple. Well, this year, […]